Spark Newsmagazine


Spark Newsmagazine


Spark Newsmagazine



Spark Online is the online edition of the print magazine produced at Lakota East High School. The magazine is completely non-profit and student-generated through the efforts of the Journalism I, Journalism II and Journalism III-Honors classes. The publication material may not always reflect the views of the Lakota Local School District or the publication as a whole. Content is controlled and edited by the staff editors. The staff will publish only legally protected speech adhering to the legal definitions of libel, obscenity and invasions of privacy.  Production costs are recovered through advertising, subscription sales and fundraisers. The purpose of Spark is to inform the students, faculty, and community members of news, information and issues that may influence or affect them.

2023-2024 Editorial Staff

Chiefs: Colin Kunz & Ava Huening

News: Ria Malhi & Maddie Behrmann & Will Huelskamp

Feature: Jaiden Beran & Allie Haucke

Package: Emily Henderson & Emily Petertonjes

Culture: Ezri Colpi & Jaedyn Armbruster

Sports: Blake Furnish & Oliva Wilson

Sports Opinion: Camden Braden & Brendan Wright

Opinion: Mia Huelskamp & Grace Callahan

Photography: Cara Raiford

Infographics: Alex Schwind

Business: Kyle Smith & Ria Malhi

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