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Spark Newsmagazine


Spark Newsmagazine


Spark Newsmagazine


fellas and fiction, lakota, outreach, regan denham, alexandra fernholz, dean hume, lakota east spark

Fellas and Fiction

Regan Denham November 20, 2018

story by Regan Denham | photography by Alexandra Fernholz It’s a beautiful Tuesday night, and the sun is just beginning to set. He opens his drawer and pulls out his best scissors. He looks at the clock—5:57...

lakota, spark, lakota east spark, LODI, food pantry, outreach, dean hume, anna mullins

Food for Thought

Anna Mullins November 2, 2018

story and photography by Anna Mullins Schools like East Freshman, Shawnee Early Childhood School (ECS) and VanGorden Elementary have started their own food pantries. Adena Elementary food pantry inspired...

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