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Spark Newsmagazine


Spark Newsmagazine


Spark Newsmagazine


lauren maier, jack parr, dan wallace, lakota east spark, dean hume, girls basketball, high school basketball

The Fuel Stabilizer

Jack Parr March 9, 2019

story by Jack Parr | photography by Lauren Maier As the final seconds tick off the clock at Oak Hills High School on a Wednesday in early December, members of the East varsity girls basketball team are...

photography by Sophia Spivey

Thunderhawk of the Month: Secret Hughes

Michelle Chu December 21, 2016

Interview by Michelle Chu | Photography by Sophia Spivey Allie Church: What sport do you play? Secret Hughes: Girls basketball. AC: What grade are you in? SH: I’m in 11th grade. AC: When...

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